2017 NIG Annual Work Conference

2017 Call for Papers.

Topics for papers included in PUPOL panels include, but are not limited to:

  • Topics for papers included in PUPOL panels include, but are not limited to:
  • The characteristic and distinctive features of public and/or political leadership, as compared to leadership in organizations in general;
  • Needs and expectations for leadership to create public value and safeguarding public values;
  • Needs and expectations for leadership in public and political contexts in response to ‘wicked problems’;
  • The effects of leadership on the achievement of public and political objectives;
  • The specific leadership role of administrative leaders in municipalities, regions, ministries and other public institutions.
  • The extent to which the public and political context affects the way we do leadership research in public administration and political science.

The panel always welcomes members of the PUPOL colloquium as well as other interested scholars.

Connection to the NIG research program

The panel theme is connected to two of the four NIG research programme themes. First, leadership in all its facets remains an important theme in public management settings, both for management within organizations and in the broader context of public sector reform. Second, leadership is relevant to the ‘multi-actor governance settings in complexity’ assuming that complex multi-actor networks have a need for steering beyond day-to-day management, both in procedural terms and in terms of their substantive objectives.

2017 panel chairs:

Dr. Sabina Stiller (Radboud University Nijmegen) and Marij Swinkels, MA. (Utrecht University).

Academic Network Public and Political Leadership